Two and a Half Men is an American television comedy series which premiered on CBS on September 22, 2003. Starring Charlie Sheen, John Cryer, and Angus T. Jones, the show is about a hedonistic jingle writer, Charlie; his uptight brother, Alan; and Alan's growing son, Jake. Charlie's free-wheeling life is complicated and altered when his brother gets divorced and moves, along with his son, into Charlie's beach-front Malibu house. In 2011, a news article in New York Times called it "the biggest hit comedy of the past decade."
The show has ranked among the Top 20 programs every season since it first aired. In 2010, CBS and Warner Bros. Television reached a multi-year broadcast agreement for the series, renewing it through at least the 2011–12 season.There have been eight seasons of Two and a Half Men and one additional season was to come. However, CBS and Warner Bros. have decided to end production for the rest of the eighth season due to Sheen entering drug rehab and making disparaging comments about the show's executive producer. Sheen was fired from the show on March 7, 2011, however, the network and studio have yet to announce a decision on the show's future.
- De acuerdo al titulo y la imagen, ¿Cuál cree usted que es el tópico que está a punto de leer?
- ¿Cuál es la idea general del texto?
- ¿Qué palabras se repiten?
- ¿Qué palabras se parecen al español?
- ¿Cuáles son las palabras en negrita, el titulo, subtitulo o gráficos que te ayudan a entender el texto?
- ¿De qué trata el texto? Lee el primer párrafo y el último o las últimas ideas del último parrafo.
R: Two and a Half Men (Dos hombres y medio en español) es una comedia de situación (sitcom) estadounidense, protagonizada por Charlie Sheen, Jon Cryer y Angus T. Jones. Ellos interpretan, respectivamente, a Charlie Harper, un soltero sin riendas con una vida de lujos y excesos, Alan Harper, el neurótico y estructurado hermano de Charlie, y Jake, el hijo de Alan. La historia comienza con la llegada de Alan y Jake a la casa de Charlie, tras el divorcio del primero con su esposa Judith. Lo que se supone, sería una "estancia de una semana", se convierte en una "convivencia permanente". Esto permitirá que Charlie y su sobrino construyan un "enlace insospechado" entre ellos. La serie ha estado nominada 7 veces al Prime time Emmy ganándolo en cuatro ocasiones. Actualmente la serie se encontraba en su octava temporada en Estados Unidos, sin embargo, CBS decidió terminar la producción de la temporada por el resto del 2011 y despedir al actor Charlie Sheen, reduciéndola a solo 16 episodios, debido a los comentarios y la condición del actor.
Carlos Irwin Estevez (born September 3, 1965), better known by his stage name Charlie Sheen, is an American film and television actor. He is the youngest son of actor Martin Sheen.
His character roles in films have included Chris Taylor in the 1986 Vietnam War drama Platoon, Jake Kesey in the 1986 film The Wraith, and Bud Fox in the 1987 film Wall Street. His career has also included more comedic films such as Major League, the Hot Shots! films, and Scary Movie 3 and 4. On television, Sheen is known for his roles on two sitcoms: as Charlie Crawford on Spin City and as Charlie Harper on Two and a Half Men. In 2010, Sheen was the highest paid actor on television, earning US$1.8 million per episode of Two and a Half Men. Sheen's personal life has also made headlines, including reports about alcohol and drug abuse and marital problems as well as allegations of domestic violence. He was fired from his role on Two and a Half Men by CBS and Warner Bros. on March 7, 2011. Sheen subsequently announced a nationwide tour.
- ¿Dónde y cuando nació Charlie Sheen?
R: In New York city, September 3, 1965.
- ¿Cuál es su profesión?
R: American film and television actor.
- ¿De que ha sido acusado a lo largo de su carrera?
R: Alcohol and drug abuse and marital problems as well as allegations of domestic violence.
- ¿Por cuales roles ha sido más conocido dentro del mundo de la actuación?
R: Sheen is known more for his roles on two sitcoms: as Charlie Crawford on Spin City and as Charlie Harper on Two and a Half Men.
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